Compression Wear Pros
Improved Blood Flow
Compression clothing promotes blood flow by applying pressure to blood vessels, aiding circulation and preventing swelling.
Reduced Muscle Soreness
Compression wear reduces muscle pain and delays onset muscle soreness post-workout by increasing body temperature and wrapping around muscles.
Faster Recovery
Compression wear supports faster recovery by enhancing oxygen flow and shortening recovery time between training sessions, especially tailored for specific sports.
Enhanced Performance
The positive impact of compression clothing on blood flow, recovery time, and muscle soreness contributes to improved performance, making it a valuable addition for achieving fitness goals.
Compression Wear Cons
Looking too fit
Warning: you might end up looking too fit for your old wardrobe.
Longer workouts
Caution: Increased stamina may result in longer workouts.
More reps
Side Effect: Muscles could feel so supported, they might demand more reps.
Extra workouts
Be Aware: Enhanced recovery might lead to more time for extra workouts.